A carbon (C) the amount of 0.42% to 0.50%
Si content is 0.17 - 0.37%
Mn content of 0.50 to 0.80%
Cr content ≤0.25%
Ni content ≤0.30%,
Cu content ≤0.25%.
Density of 7.85g / cm3
Use elastic modulus 210GPa
Poisson's ratio of 0.269.
Mechanical Properties
Normalizing: 850; quenching: 840; tempering: 600;
Tensile strength: not less than 600Mpa;
Yield strength: not less than 355Mpa;
Elongation: 16%;
Shrinkage rate: 40%;
Impact energy: 39J;
Delivery status steel hardness: less than no heat treatment: 229HBS;
Annealed steel: 197HBS